Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just heard about the Dangers of Actos!

I am a type II Diabetic and previously used Actos to help control my diabetes. I just heard today that Actos has been discovered to cause Heart Attacks and Strokes in some patients. Wow, am I glad I chose to get off Drugs. First of all Actos is very expensive and secondly good nutrition and exercise are the real keys tocontrolling diabetes for the majority of type IIs.
For the past two months I have been on the Shapeworks "Core Nutrition" Program and I have lost 30LBS in the 2 months and am now almost completely off my diabetes medications and completely off the blood pressure medication and cholesterol medication.
I have so much more energy and feel great. I should have done this long ago. With the Shapeworks Program I don't get hungry or cranky (according to my wife) and it is all natural ingredients and completely balanced nutrition.
This keeps my body healthy and well fed while the fat rolls off.
Visit my website www.jdegolier.com for product pricing and information or on of my links about the products on this page.
Ask me how I did this!

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